Don’t Gotta Get It To Get It

Nobody knows what cryptocurrency really is (even people who already have Crypto) but that doesn’t mean you have to be Elon Musk to join the digital binary data bandwagon. You don’t have to fully understand crypto to start using it on Venmo.


Crypto is… Crytpo… is…

Just like everyone else, we’re still trying to figure out how to explain crypto. So every day for one year, we’re gonna google the best vocabulary and draw our best conclusions to try to explain what crypto is... unsuccessfully.

CryptoBros Don’t Even Know

Most people can’t explain how it works, even these crypto bros. It’s only proof you don’t have to have a certain income minimum to try crypto on Venmo.

Wrong Answers Only

Since there’s no one right to explain it, how about only wrong ways? For each round, one player will act as a judge for the cards with topical pictures. Then, the other players submit their card, wrong answers only. The person with the most wrong answers wins… I guess.

Mystery Meets Food Truck

Digital goes physical with the Venmo Crypto traveling food truck. Perfect for the “I don’t know what to eat” person or the “I don’t care what I eat” folk. As it makes its way across the country, the truck pairs with an unknown top local chef and arrives with a menu you can’t guess. To get your mystery dish, just show proof you’re on with Venmo Crypto and then bone apple tea.

I-Don’t-Know-Why-I-Bought-This Merch

Cause why the hell not. We don’t fully understand what we’re doing but we’re proud of it. And you should be too. Pay $10 for a shirt, just you’ll never know which one it’s gonna be.

art directors: claire hentzen & haley renschen
copywriter: me